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Uncomimg Topics & Issues
Every Saturday Night at Midnight The New Topic will be posted for immediate initations/lifecussions/Solutions
Fathers For Suns
#1 proclamation/Plan of Actions
Upcoming Topics & Issues
1. Is God male or Female
2. How to keep our Suns alive
3. How to Make Love & treat your mate
4. On The Issue of My Sun's Sexuality
5. On The Issue of Fathers not in their Suns' Lives
6. On the issue of to 'beat or not to beat' your suns
7. On the issue of Father & Suns at war
8. On the issue of questionable paternity
9. On the issue or marriage/manrriage/womanriage
Planing 'Stage"
As a group let's collectively become financially wealthy simply by: 1
1. Let's collectively donate only $1 dollar per week to by one  weekly lotto ticket per the 1. mega number 2. supper lotto 5. Fantasy 5 tickets. It is simply every week end we buy various lotto ticket with the monthly fund then split the winnings equally
With this approach we can all agree that we because of the collectivity have a great possibility of making some money monthly with only a $1 weekly investment each.
Remember now my motto is any group that I am apart of the purpose must be that of the group doing good while at the same time each member should earn money in the process. Thus loyalty and longevity.
 Also be very clear that with my involvement everything will totally be open, honest & honorable.
2. Lets use 10% of this monthly fund to invest in guaranteed dividends.
Planing 'Stage"
1. The Fathers for Suns Legal Funds is simple and uncomplicated. It is donation put into TFSLfundac# (Fathers for Suns legal Funds Donation account) which will only be available to subsidize or fund the legal cost of questionable police killings of any group member's father or sun.
2. Legislation to make it easier for fathers to have first rights to their suns in the 'matters of which parent to live with'
3. Legislation to make it easier for mothers to have first rights to their moons in the 'matters of which parent to live with'
4. Legislation to protect fathers who use reasonable physical discipline with their suns
5. . Legislation to protect mothers who use reasonable physical discipline with their moons
6. Legislation to hold penal institution legally & morally responsible to return from lock-up/sentencing our suns rehabilitated from or of the crimes they were sentenced to and for
7. Legislation to make it illegal for any criminal judge, attorney, prosecutor and or penal law enforcement officers or employees to have or hold any financial interest in any institution that is in the business of arresting and or locking up people.
8. Legislation to create a volunteer citizens review group to over look & scrutinize the legal participants and their presentations/cases which involve questionable police shootings
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